This is the start of a brand new tradition you won’t want to miss! Middle School students will meet in the morning at the KLIFE house and get ready for an unforgettable journey as we head to mystery locations and participate in a service opportunity around Denver. We’ll wrap up the day back at the KLIFE house at midnight, having created memories you’ll never forget. Tell a friend and sign up today!

Who: Middle School Students (6th - 8th graders)

When: April 12th: 9am - midnight

Where: It’s a surprise! We will be driving to mysterious locations around the Denver area throughout the day, beginning leaving the KLIFE house at 9am and returning 15 hours later around midnight!

Cost: $135 covers all the activities for the day, lunch and dinner, as well as a t-shirt. Students can bring spending money for other optional snacks throughout the day.

Sign ups will close on Friday, April 3rd at 11:59pm. Sign up before then or join our waitlist afterwards.